Club will Re-Open on May 15th

The Board has decided that:


We will re-open our facilities on Friday,  May 15th.   


When you come to use the range, we request that you wear a face mask, please socially distance as much as possible.  Only four shooters will be allowed on the firing line at any time.   Please keep in mind when wearing a facemask at the range, it is highly recommended that you clean that mask or use a new one if disposable because you are shooting at a range and that mask will have gun residue on the outside of the mask when you leave.



Our Next Club Meeting will take place on Wednesday May 20th.

Board Meeting at 6:30 followed by a full club meeting at 7:15

We tentatively plan to meet inside the rifle range so that we can spread out


New Club Secretary

We will be electing a new Club Secretary at our next meeting

Isaac Anderson has agreed to be nominated for this position


New Board Member

We will be electing a new Board Member  at our next meeting

John Thibodeau has agreed to be nominated for this position




Pistol Permit  Safety Course

Our next Permit Safety Course will take place on;

Saturday May 16th at 12:30

Saturday May 30th at 12:30


Club Work Day  -  No date has been set


Club Annual Dinner -  No date or location has been set


Lawn Cutting -  It is that time of the year again, the lawn needs to be cut once a week.  We are looking for volunteers to mow, even just once would be a big help



Hours of Operation


Sunday       Pistol             6pm

Tuesday      Rifle               6pm

Wednesday Pistol             4:30

                    IDPA Pistol    8Pm

Thursday     JR Rifle **   RSVP to Jayce & John

Friday          Pistol              7pm

Saturday      Rifle & Pistol 11am


** Thursdays will be for juniors only, we will stager start times to allow for social distancing.  

 Please call or text Jayce 518-536-2853Image removed.Image removed. or John T.


Go to www.PlattsburghRodandGun.Com for the latest updates and information about our club,  Including membership forms, and links to join the NRA.