The Clinton County Federation of Fish and Game Clubs (of which we are a member) is sponsoring two NYS Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) camperships to all young people ages 11- 17 in the amoun t of $350. each.
"Now in its 78th year, the DEC camps provide week-long adventures in conservation education for children ages 11-17.
Boys and girls between the ages of 11-13 attend Camp Colby in Saranac Lake and older youth attend Pack Forest in Warrensburg. Camperships are for one week. Upon receiving a campership, the parent's only obligation is to take the child to camp on Sunday and pick him/her up on Friday. Camps for Camp Colby are for five weeks, starting June 29th. Camps for Pack Forest are for four weeks, starting June 29th.
A campership for one child is $350. and includes lodging, meals, trips, and a camp t-shirt.
Members, family members, grandparents or friends who have children in these age groups are welcome to apply. We urge you to consider a campership for your young camper. PR&G has never had a family member attend this educational and fun outdoor camp.
To apply for a campership:
1. Write a letter no more than one-half to one page indicating why you would like to attend the camp, how old you are and what you would do with the knowledge you gained at the camp.
2. Mail your application (letter) including your name, age, school attending, telephone and email address to Mr. Larry Velie at 106 Rock Rd., Plattsburgh, NY 12901 no later than February 21st, 2025, or postmarked February 21, 2025.
3. The Federation members will review the applications on March 18th and select two students to attend the camps. It is possible that there will be combinations of ages and camps.
4. Mr. Velie will call the students accepted and give a phone number and code number to call the DEC Campership to register. DEC will open campership registration on March 23 at 12 noon. It is imperative that you call as soon as possible to reserve a spot in the week you choose because campership weeks fill up quickly.
5. Following your experience at camp, we ask that you write a short letter o Mr. Velie, telling what you enjoyed about the camp and why you would recommend it to another student. You may add pictures of your experience.
For more information, you can log on to or a link from the DEC Summer Camps.
NYSDEC Summer Camps, 625 Broadway, Albany,NY 12233,
Phone 518-402-8014