Club News and Dates of Events

  As a follow up to our Wednesday Club Meeting, here are  tentative dates for upcoming events this Fall & Winter


All of these events are tentative and  will be reviewed as we get closer to determine if they can held safely and attendance will be adequate . 


Junior Rifle Program -  Will officially start Thursday September 17th at 4pm and 6:30pm, this is not tentative,  however an RSVP is required. 

Call or text  John T at 518-420-2786Image removed.Image removed.Image removed. to RSVP for 4pm time and  Jayce A at 518-536-2853Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.  to RSVP for 6:30 shooting


Fall Work Day -   Saturday  October 24th  8:30am to 12:30.    


Open Houses -    Saturdays   November 7th & January 16th  from 10am - 1pm (free shooting)


Holiday Party-    Sunday  December 20th   3:30pm-6:00pm  (pot luck dinner & open house)


Rifle Matches -  Saturdays   December 12th,  January 9th,  February 13th and March 27th.  9am-3pm


Pistol Permit  Safety Course -  Saturdays from 1pm to 5pm on;

September 19th,  October 3rd,  October 17th,  November 14th, November 28th

December 5th,  December 19th


Our Next Monthly Meeting and annual election of officers  will be on Wednesday October 14th at 7pm.  

To allow for social distancing we will once again meet in the actual rifle range.

Please let us know if you are willing to serve on any committees  or wish to run for any office.

Pistol Shooting will follow the meeting at 8pm. 


New Range Safety Officer Operating Procedures was approved.  It can be found on our club website.   


Range Safety Officer Meeting  -  Wednesday  October 14th 6pm - 7pm (prior to our monthly meeting)



Attention Hunters -  While Hunting is permitted on our club property by members only who have a hunting permit.  We ask that you mark your location on a map that will be attached to the bulletin board outside our club front door.  This will alert others of your presence and let you know of other hunters who might be in the area.    Please use the red push pin  to mark your location.    Please hunt responsibly and safely, be sure to obey all laws.   



Dues are Due,  your membership expires on Oct 1st so please if you have not done so please renew your membership during this month.  Also annual passes expire Oct 15th so please consider sending in a check this month to renew your shooting passes if you want one for 2020-21.  You can do this via mail, online or in person



Quilt Raffle -  The club will be holding a raffle for an amazing quilt,  tickets will be sold starting at our first open house in November and drawn at our second open house in January.  The will be available for purchase at Rifle Matches, our Holiday Party and November Club Meeting.  $5 per ticket,  3 tickets for $10 or 7 tickets for $20.  




Our Range is Open

We are open at the following times,


Hours of Operation


Sunday       Archery          3pm *

                     Pistol             6pm

Monday      College Rifle  5:30

Tuesday      Rifle               6pm

Wednesday Pistol             4:00

                     IDPA Pistol    8Pm

Thursday     Jr Rifle 4pm  ***

                     Jr Rifle 6:30   ***

Friday          Pistol              7pm

Saturday      Rifle & Pistol 11am


*     Archery Start date will be sometime in September, news to follow soon. 


***  Jr Rifle Starting Thursday September 17th,  For Juniors & Students, RSVP are required to attend max of 8 shooters

Call or text  John T at 518-420-2786Image removed.Image removed.Image removed. to RSVP for 4pm time and  Jayce A at 518-536-2853Image removed.Image removed.Image removed.  to RSVP for 6:30 shooting




Lawn Cutting  and maintenance -   The lawn still needs to be cut.   We also have various projects to be completed both indoors and outdoors if you have the time, let us know.  .



We are on Facebook,  check us out and "like" us to see photos and weekly updates.